Tilte: Langthorne Spine
Materials: Oak
Approx size: 4×6 Metres
Location: Langthorne Park, London.
Date: 2000 The spine was commissioned for Langthorne Park, An ambitious new Inner city Public space. The sculpture/bench for Langthorn Park is sited within the Ecology area looking across the lake. It is constructed from oak railway sleepers, this reflects the heritage of Leytonstone and the importance of the railway to the development of the area. The shape twists and turns like that of a tadpole or a snake. Spine-like in construction it resembles a fossil or the skeletal remains of a once great creature. Langthorne Park was built on the site of the former Langthorn hospital The Park is the centre of a much larger development including housing,retail and communityand education centres. There are other sculptures and artworks throughout the park and further info can be found at the visitor center found at, Langthorne park, high st, Leytonstone, london ,E16.
Photos by H.Dillon