Title: Hull Sit-ooterie
Materials: Cedar wood and Steel
Approx. size: 3.2 x 3.2 , x 3.5 Meters
Location: Cecil gardens Care Home
Date: 2017
This bud like form for the seating area has been inspired by nature. The shingle pattern is designed to reflect the Fibonacci sequence. This numerical pattern is found throughout nature, for example in plants such as pine cones or sunflowers and natural forms like sea shells – all clearly demonstrating the recognizable spiral pattern.
The sculptural sit-ooterie is sited in the Residents Horticultural Garden overlooking the raised beds area. The welded steel frame is clad with Cedar wooden shingles. Cedar has a natural resistance to insect attack and decay and also has a distinctive pleasant Aroma. The sculpture has an opening which will comfortably fit two people abreast and can fit small groups of up to 5 at one time with a continuous level floor and wheelchair access.
The design has been developed using the guidelines for Dementia Design and the scheme received the Stirling Gold standard.