Title: The Lookout
Materials: Green Oak and Hogton Grit Stone
Approx size: 30×4 Metres
Location: Clifton Country Park, Salford, Manchester.
Date: 2001
The Lookout was commissioned by the Irwell Sculpture Trail
Tim was Artist in Residence in Clifton Country Park. working closely with the Ranger service running Sculpture workshops , Exhibitions and Talks about ideas for Sculpture at the park
From the Sculpture Views of the Lake can be enjoyed. The Lake was created in 1970 through mineral extraction and now is a haven for wild birds.The Stone used on the Sculpture is a local stone similar to the material quarried at the park.
“The Sculpture takes its inspiration from the history and geological make up of the park, the fragments of stonework and the landscape left in the wake of industry has led to a unique blend of nature and industry, one influencing the other.
During construction Tim worked with Peter Issherwood master stone mason
When completed The Sculpture Trail will be the largest in the U.K, covering some fifty miles.
Photos: H Dillon