Title: Subterranean Amphitheatre
Materials: Sweet Chestnut coppice soil and turf
Approx size: 14 x14 x1.6 Metres
Location: Chiselhurst and Sidcup Grammar School
Date: 2010
The Subterranean Amphitheater was Commissioned by Chiselhurst and Sidcup Grammar school.
The sculpture is sited within the grounds of the school taking advantage of the views over the sports pitches.
Tim worked closely with the staff and pupils of the school to design and build the Subterranean Amphitheatre. The artwork was to be functional and provide a large seating area ideal for performances, drama classes, lectures and assemblies and for quiet seating areas during break times and lunchtimes. The work is constructed from Sweet Chestnut timber and banked with soil and grass. Photos By Rupert Hitchcox